PCAS Ltd and its Management are aware that quality is a fundamental principle in our industry and is integral to running a professional and sustainable business and are therefore committed to:

  1. The planning and development of a Quality Management system
  2. Continually monitoring the effectiveness of the Quality Management System
  3. Improvement of the Quality Management System to enhance its effectiveness
  4. Comply with all relevant statutory and regulatory requirements

The management has a continuing commitment to:

  1. Ensure that customer needs and expectations are determined and fulfilled to achieve customer satisfaction
  2. Communicate throughout the Organisation the importance of meeting customer needs and all relevant statutory and regulatory requirements
  3. Establish the Quality Policy and to set Quality Objectives at relevant functions, levels and processes
  4. Ensure that Quality Policy and Objectives are reviewed at twelve monthly intervals as part of the Management Review process to measure effectiveness and ensure continued suitability.
  5. Report on the annual internal audit results as a means of monitoring and measuring the processes and the effectiveness of the Quality Management System
  6. Ensure the availability of resources.

It is company policy that all personnel are suitably qualified and are committed to the company, the customers, take responsibility and pride in their work, and understand the requirements of this Quality Policy and abide with the contents of the HSQE Manual.

The Organisation recognises that the quality of resources, materials, tools and equipment used in day to day activities is important to the upkeep and maintenance of the high level of expectations and standards from internal and external customers.

To meet these standards the company requires cooperation and commitment to these ideals by all company management, staff, and associated contractors.

The company view quality management with the utmost concern and seriousness, and it is the Organisation’s objective to carry out all measures reasonably practicable to meet, exceed or develop all necessary or desirable requirements to enhance the satisfaction of our customers, and will therefore:

  • Work in accordance with the standards BS ISO 9001:2015.
  • Provide clearly defined responsibilities for those involved in the monitoring and controlling of the quality management system within the organisation
  • Provide clear control methods and procedures for its processes, documentation, purchasing, recruitment, maintenance and record keeping methods
  • Maintain its work sites, facilities and resources using by definition of processes, systemic evaluation, processes for non-conformity, reporting methods, corrective actions and preventative measures monitoring
  • Consult with all personnel on matters quality control
  • Ensure that all personnel are aware of their duties and responsibilities and are committed to the execution of the Quality Management System
  • To ensure that all personnel, contractors and specialists appointed to maintain this system are suitably qualified and competent
  • The company operates an open and transparent approach to company quality for all personnel, external bodies and auditors.


PCAS Ltd recognises the importance of environmental protection and is committed to operating its business responsibly and in fulfilment of its relevant legal and compliance obligations relating to the provision of environmentally friending operations.  It is the Organisation’s declared policy to operate with and to maintain good relations with all regulatory bodies, and to be ‘good neighbours’

Our commitment is to minimise the impact of our operation on the environment through the continual improvement of our management systems in order to enhance our environmental performance so that:

  • The requirement of all current relevant legislation and other compliance obligations are met.
  • Incidents of pollution are prevented.
  • The consumption of non-renewable raw materials is minimised.
  • The principles of Best Available Technique will be used where appropriate.

It is the Organisation’s objective to carry out all measures reasonably practicable to meet, exceed or develop all necessary or desirable requirements to protect the environment through the implementation of the following:

  • To work in accordance with the standards of BS ISO 14001:2015.
  • To monitor and regularly assess the environmental effects of the Organisation’s activities
  • To communicate the Environmental Policy to all employees, contractors, sub- contractors and temporary staff, provide any necessary training, promote best practice, and continual improvement.
  • To make efficient use of natural resources by conserving energy and water, minimising waste and maximising recycling where possible.
  • Prevent pollution in all its forms (nuisance, land, air, water and noise)
  • To ensure all waste is disposed of in a responsible and controlled manner.
  • To exercise a duty of care in relation to waste by ensuring the safe keeping, transportation and subsequent recovery or disposal of waste.
  • To recover, reuse and recycle all waste in as far as is practical and to ensure it is safely handled and consigned to reputable users.
  • To authorise significant change to plant or process in advance to prevent any unacceptable environmental impacts.
  • Promote the use of recyclable and renewable materials

Top management demonstrates leadership and commitment with respect to the Environmental Management System by:

  1. Taking accountability and responsibility for the effectiveness of the Environmental Management System
  2. Ensuring that the Environmental Policy and Environmental Objectives are established, compatible and achievable with the strategic direction and the context of the Organisation
  3. Ensuring the integration of the Environmental Management System requirements into the Organisation’s business processes
  4. Directing and supporting persons to contribute to the effectiveness of the environmental management system
  5. Supporting relevant management roles to demonstrate their leadership as it applies to their areas of responsibility.
  6. Ensure that the resources needed for the Environmental Management System are available
  7. Conduct twelve monthly management reviews to monitor performance and objectives, and to annually review and revise all documentation to ensure compliance

This Policy is communicated to all employees, suppliers and sub-contractors and is made available to interested parties.


PCAS Ltd management are aware of the importance of high standards in Health, Safety and Welfare and recognises that these are an integral part of the business. Our commitment is to prevent ill health and ensure safety and welfare of our employees, and for other persons whose health and safety may be affected by our activities, so far as is reasonably practicable.

PCAS Ltd are committed to attaining and maintaining high level standards and an ethos of continual improvement, we will actively promote safe and healthy working conditions with the objective of ensuring, the health, safety and wellbeing of all employees, contractors, visitors and others, and remain in compliance with legal and industry standards and our statutory duties as a responsible employer.

Our principles on Health & Safety are communicated to all employees and interested parties, we encourage employee participation, and actively consult and involve workers to help develop a shared and positive attitude.

The Company will ensure that financial provision will be made to ensure that health, safety and welfare standards will be maintained within the organisation. This is to include that sufficient time and resources are available together with an adequate lead in time for works to be carried out.

The Company is aiming very carefully in controlling risks to Health & Safety by applying the Hierarchy of control and operating safe systems and methods of work and ensure the safety of our personnel and 3rd parties. The recognition of any potential risks shall become ‘the backbone of our organisation’ and efforts are strongly aimed at prevention of errors, hazardous situations and incidents.

All personnel and sub-contractors will be given Health and Safety guidance when they join, or provide services to the Company, and will be given refresher information, instruction and training as is necessary to enable the safe performance of work activities.

We will promote a positive safety culture by encouraging open reporting of any unsafe situation, act or condition which may pose a threat to the wellbeing of any person or the environment;

The successful implementation of this policy requires total commitment and co-operation from all levels of management and employees within our company. Each individual has a legal obligation to take reasonable care for his or her own health and safety and for the safety of others who may be affected by his or hers acts or omissions.

Our Company arrangements for First Aid, Emergency Evacuation, Fire Safety and Accident Reporting are contained within our Company HSQE Manual, documented in our project specific method statements, and communicated by display on our notice boards, and/or included as part of our Personnel briefings, safety meetings/tool box talks at each work site we attend.

Our Company HSQE Manual contains the detailed organisation and arrangements in relation to all our rules and procedures and you can refer to a copy of this at our office.

We will ensure continuous improvement of our Health and Safety Management System through the setting of quantifiable Health and Safety objectives at Management Review Meetings, which take place every twelve months. For each objective, a programme for its achievement is agreed and designated responsibilities and authorities are assigned. Progress towards the achievement of these objectives is reviewed as part of the agenda of every Management Review meeting.

This policy will be reviewed and, if necessary, revised in the light of legislative or organisational changes. This will be on a minimum of an annual basis.